HH1 - Havebury Housing,campaign

People’s opinions are important

Havebury Housing Partnership manage over 6,400 homes for Affordable Rent and Shared Ownership in towns and villages right across the East of England. They are also constantly adding to their portfolio. They work with local authorities, agencies and other housing associations hoping to meet local social housing needs as well as provide community services.

The brief

Havebury was aware that they needed the views of as many people as possible to ensure that their services were as good as they could be. The challenge was that they were getting limited feedback meaning that a huge cross section of their audience wasn’t being represented.

The project was to build awareness of their fundimental need for feedback. This was to be through a set of leaflets and postcards, initially in English only, to be translated into Polish and Portuguese at a later date.

What we did

Our solution was to create a set of ‘loud’ typographic based postcards and leaflets with engaging headlines. We used bold type and even bolder colours to create a simple strong visual language.

Headlines such as ‘penny for your thoughts’, helped put across that sharing your opinions with Havebury Housing was valuable. Not just because it helped shape the service  Havebury Housing delivered in the future, but also becauise it in fact came with a £5 reward.

Our cards were both engaing and memorable, something that tenants could talk about easily.

At a glance

  • Client: Hevebury Housing Partnership
  • Category: Branding, print
  • Website: www.havebury.com

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COVID Update (Oct 2021)

We’re out of lockdown now, and we’re most definitely still working! Hopefully we are seeing an end to the worst of this. We’re working partly at our Colchester based office again now, we can (as we’ve been doing) deliver all the work we usually do.

Obviously if you have any branding related projects we'd love to chat (over Zoom). In the meantime stay safe.

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