Siobhan Timmins is a qualified doctor in developmental paediatrics. Following her son’s diagnosis of autism aged two years, she left clinical practice to spend more time with him and help the family adapt and flourish. She has been writing Social Stories™ for 25 years and is a published author. She has more than a decade of experience in teaching social understanding in autism to parents and professionals, delivering workshops in Social Stories™ nationally and internationally.
ST SocialStorySite Website - siobhan timmins,website

Siobhan Timmins website identity

The brief

Siobhan is a internationally renown expert in the field of Social Stories™. She needed to be able to create a single repository for all the information people would need about her and what she was doing. It needed to be both useful for autistic and for non-autistic, ‘typical’ people.

Part of the brief was to create a site that was not just simple to navigate and understand as a viewer, but also one which was simple to manage. With this isn mind, part of the project was to deliver training on how to manage the site. This included creating the first four blog posts, as a template for future work.

Siobhan Timmins branding and website
ST BusinessCard Website - siobhan timmins,website

The first step was to understand more about what Siobhan did, who her audience was and the challenges we needed to overcome to build a useful branding solution.

Imagery needed to be very immediate, in this case showing a spade when talking about spades, was very important. With this in mind, the solution we took was one very much based around typography.

A bright uplifting colour scheme taken across all touch points would hold all the elements together. Swathes of teal are used to frame applications, to build a recognisable language across both print and digital items.

A straightforward structure across the website was also key, ensuring that information could be found quickly. Strong headings and bold bright images completed this effective, optimistic identity.

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Client: Siobhan Timmins


Siobhan Timmins 2020 cs - siobhan timmins,website
Laptop Siobhan Timmins 1 - siobhan timmins,website

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COVID Update (Oct 2021)

We’re out of lockdown now, and we’re most definitely still working! Hopefully we are seeing an end to the worst of this. We’re working partly at our Colchester based office again now, we can (as we’ve been doing) deliver all the work we usually do.

Obviously if you have any branding related projects we'd love to chat (over Zoom). In the meantime stay safe.

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