Your brand value proposition
A brand values proposition is something that helps every organisation position themselves. This is important because it can both distance it from its competition and connect better with its audience.
This is something we usually do face to face, but thats not possible at the moment. So, like so may things, we’ve jumped on-line. Ideally we’ll be chatting to you on a video call whilst you do this, but it’s not imperative!
The idea is that you go through all three of the stages to develop the simple one page document. This isn’t about you, it’s about how you want people to see your business. It’s important to take your time, because this is the foundation of your brand identity.
Click on the example of a previous ‘branding temple’ so you can see what they look like and how they work.
Stage 1 – Discovering your brand values
Just to be awkward we do the temple in a mixed up order. This first part is where you need to focus on the values that you want your company to live by (things like: being green, human, honest etc) and things that your audience will appreciate and connect with you on (things like: transparent, innovative, contemporary etc).
Every business is different, so anything is possible (so if a word isn’t there, we can add it).
These aren’t just words though, these are the beliefs that you want your company to stand for, these are the words that will govern the way you will do (and probably have been doing) business.
Don’t just choose words you think you should, there is no point in chosing words you can’t deliver on. Your customers won’t appreciate it and your brand will lose out.

Stages 2 and 3 – Foundations and future
So all the time we’ve been chatting, copious notes have been taken. What the words that you’ve chosen mean to you, why you believe they fit you better than any other word in the list above. This will inform us in terms of your ‘Brand Values’.
The ‘Foundation’ is next. This gives an overview of the size of the business, some of the opportunities and the possible growth areas. This is done through research into your area of business. The final stage is really putting your five year plan into words. Where do you want the business to be in the next five years?
This will be your ‘Brand Temple’.